Category Archives: Uncategorized


I Collect puzzles and am the holder in due course of the family collection. My father stored this collection in a box made by my great grandfather. I out grew the box years ago. At one point I had a … Continue reading

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I just turned off comments and I’m sorry. I get an email for each comment submitted.  I’ve approved one.  All of the others were spam and I got tired of logging in and moving them to trash.

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Hot Footer

In 1976, with my brand-new bachelors degree hanging on the wall of my bedroom [I wanted to put it in the bathroom—KD], I started work at a Big Eight CPA firm. I had spent the previous four years preparing customs … Continue reading

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Beneish M Score

This is a posting on evaluating financial statements. Beneish M Score is a calculation to determine how likely it is that a statement is fraudulent. Generally the score is negative. As long as its is less than –1.78, the probability … Continue reading

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A New Laptop

My old laptop computer died, so I went and bought a new one. It arrived almost in time for my birthday, so the time I’ve spent setting it up was my birthday present. Or rather I tried to convince myself … Continue reading

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Asimov’s Laws of Robotics

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This post is a follow up to *Crunching Numbers in APL* available for kindle at Amazon. Undaunted by my last foray into online analytical processing (OLAP), I sat down to code what I thought was OLAP. Workspace more_olap is here. … Continue reading

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OLAP stands for OnLine Analytical Processing. This post describes why I’m not ready to write about OLAP. I’ve been reading various web pages about OLAP and have reached two conclusions. First, the demand for OLAP is driven by SQL commands’ … Continue reading

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Graphs in APL

When I took Accounting 1, I dreamed ledgers. In those days most medium to small companies kept their books by hand and stored them in a fireproof safe. One of the requirements of the course was a complete set of … Continue reading

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Free Cash Flow

This is post three of my Crunching Numbers in APL series. I’m returning to my database of the top twenty stocks in the Standard and Poor’s 500. sp20[;1 2 3 4 7] Symbol Name Price Div $ FCF WMT Walmart … Continue reading

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