Category Archives: Uncategorized


This is the second in a series of posts about using APL to crunch numbers. It starts with a database of sorts in APL. I want to use present-value equations to assess various stocks. To do so I need specific … Continue reading

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Crunching Numbers in APL

Well, it’s done. That is, I’ve published the book I’ve been working on for the past three years. I never thought it would take three years. You can buy it for your Kindle. Search for its title Crunching Numbers in … Continue reading

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Egad, It’s User Hostile

I started to write this post as “User Friendly,” but after reading all sorts of blogs on that subject, I changed it. Each of these blogs proposed a list of four or five features that describe user-friendly software. Here is … Continue reading

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Making Music

I am (used to be) a member of the Newtown Recorder Consort. I’ve played with the consort since 1995. In the beginning I was on soprano. At some point I switched to the alto, which I’ve played since Christmas 1959. … Continue reading

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APL Library

I’ve been staring at a list of workspaces that make up APL Library ( for more than a week trying to get inspired. Why did I start this thing in the first place? I remember discovering GNU APL. I had … Continue reading

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I’ve been keeping this quotation in my Ideas folder for quite some time: 1. What is the manager’s job? It is to direct the resources and the efforts of the business toward opportunities for economically significant results. This sounds trite—and … Continue reading

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Web Site Logs

I’ve been working on a new APL workspace to read the access logs for this site. Most web hosts make such a log available. Network Solutions, our host, also provides web pages with fancy graphs displaying the number kind of … Continue reading

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Clerk of Bucks Quarterly Meeting

I agreed to be the clerk of Bucks Quarterly Meeting, an unpaid position. For those of you who come to this site with little or no knowledge of Quakers, this posting explains what clerking a quarterly meeting means. I’d like … Continue reading

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Why APL?

Why APL? Because it’s faster, easier to use, and less error-prone than Excel. Excel is learned by use, by problem solving. There is a manual behind the help entry in the menu. Sometimes it’s helpful. There is a completion engine … Continue reading

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Ground Hog Day 2019

We’re half way through winter. The temperature outside is 24. The weather men are forecasting mid 50s by the middle of next week. In keeping with our family traditions, I am preparing my new year’s resolutions. At the top of … Continue reading

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